Author, Tamikio L. Dooley

Published on 12 July 2024 at 16:26

Tamikio L. Dooley-Author Interview with Angela Kosta


1.) Hello Dear Tamikio. We know that she is a great and well-known popularizer of Art and Poetic and Literary Culture in the World. Tell us how you managed to create these cultural bridges.


Hello, Angela Kosta. Thank you for inviting me to conduct this wonderful author interview with you. It is a pleasure. I enjoy managing many cultural bridges. This grants me the opportunity to meet and network with a lot of talented, educated, and well-seasoned writers. It inspires, encourages, and motivates me to manage many cultural bridges. I see us as the ‘Kings and Queens’ of literature. We bring the words to the pages like never before, introducing the quality and value of art and culture through our pens.


2.) What is your creative path? 


My creative path always involves bringing writers together. Several heads are better than one. Not only do we introduce the words of literature to the world, but also educate each other-those willing to accept and learn without envy.


3.) What inspires your Muse in verse?


What inspire my Muse in verse are dreams, ideas, and creative thoughts. I build barriers around limitless, endless dreams, ideas, and creative thoughts. There are always things in my mind lingering at the edge of my tongue ready to explore the world. I’m constantly inspired.


4.) How do you manage to reconcile your time-work between creating models in various magazines, popularizing writing, everyday life and family?


I have a timeframe in the morning between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., where I conduct my work. I choose my days, such as Mondays-Fridays, dividing my work ethics amongst myself and my colleagues. It’s all about time and effort, along with calm and relaxing moments. Every task should be about time without distractions.


5.) You are President and Founder of important organizations at the service of culture, art and more. What is the most important perspective in viewing what is useful in society?


Yes, I am the President and Founder of Tamikio Dooley Writers Coach Organization, Empowering Education Skills and Programs Organization, and the Director of the International Foundation for Arab Children Organization. Within these organizations we actually do real work for the literature community. We publish authors and poets in anthologies, magazines, newspapers, and journals. We also conduct live chat panels where writers recite their work and other fellow writers work. In April 2024, we plan to start Author Takeovers. In Author Takeovers, the writers take 30 minutes to an hour to talk about their work (books, poetry, projects, etc.)


6.) You are an award-winning author.

What are the main themes in your creativity? 


I’ve won awards and certificates in the literature categories including:


Recognition Awards & Certificates

-An honorable recognition as the best crime author in September 2016,

- National Poetry Stage Bangladesh Award 2023,

-Certificate for Hyperpoem Book (a poetry book publishing 1700 poets) 2023,

- “Zheng Nian Cup” National Literature (second place prize) 2023,

-Virtual International Artist Gallery Certificate (2023),

- Best Leadership Award, Best Poetry Collection Award 2023,

-People’s Poetry Parliament Literature Certificate 2023,

-Certificate of Appreciate Memorial of V.M. Terehov 2023 (Russia Nizhny Novgord),

-The World Literary Award 2022,

-Won her first crystal trophy award in the crime category (2016), along with other awards and certificates.



7.) What do you think of contemporary literature and emerging authors?

I think contemporary literature emerging authors give modern writers something to actually write about today in the twentieth-century.  Contemporary literature refers to writing capturing the present moment, emphasizing the writers’ emotions and societies. Although writing styles may differ, the primary aim is to depict genuine characters and experiences.



8.) What would you like to say to them to have more visibility and reach the tops?


I would like to say be your own creative bullet! Never allow anyone to make you feel your ideas, thoughts, and creativity sound stupid, foolish, or impossible. Mostly important never allow someone else’s non-achievements make you feel bad, ashamed, or unworthy. Stick to what you feel in your heart, defend, and believe in yourself. You can accomplish anything positive you set your mind too!


9.) Who are your favorite authors?


I don’t have any favorite authors. I have several favorite authors.


10.) What are your future projects?


My future projects include creating more anthologies, magazines, newspapers, and journals. The next upcoming project is entitled Artistic Vision Magazine March 2024 3rd Edition of CreatiVIngenuitiy Magazine featuring artists, illustrators, painters, and photographers. The next anthology entitled Poetic Reflections soon to be released in April 2024.


Thank you very much my Dear Tamikio 

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